Flashes of Inspiration - Motivational Jewish Quotes That Touch The Soul
"R' Daniel Agalar, an outstanding mashpia, has put his considerable talents and kochos into compiling Flashes of Inspiration. Each page contains an inspirational thought, strikingly enhanced by beautiful imagery. It is a book to be cherished in every Jewish home as a source of strength and fortitude."
-Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
"I was very inspired by the book Flashes of Inspiration. Each page is not only visually engaging but spiritually uplifting."
-Charlie Harary
"I read through the book Flashes of Inspiration. It is a book that will help you get closer to Hashem. Every page is another relationship with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. I advise everyone to buy this book and to read this book. Read it to your kids and read it with your spouse. It's the ultimate relationship with Hashem and it's absolutely amazing.
-Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein
"R' Daniel Agalar has compiled a beautiful collection of quotes that remind us of how Hashem is ever-present in our lives. Each quote is a nugget of truth and encouragement that will uplift your day."
-Rabbi Yoel Gold
"Flashes of Inspiration is an entire book filled with mic drop moments. Each page has gold....each page is so powerful. The author has done a fantastic job. I would definitely push that this be on your shelf... I would highly recommend it. It is a beautiful book."
-Rabbi Ari Bensoussan
"I highly recommend the book Flashes of Inspiration. You don't really want to miss it!"
-Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi
"I was overjoyed to receive the book 'Flashes of Inspiration" written and compiled with beautiful quotes and messages of inspiration, coupled with stunning graphics, this Sefer is an absolute gem. In these days when cynicism and numbness are the order of the day, to be inspired and refocused about life's meaning is a valuable treasure. I absolutely recommend this book and supporting its author disseminate it's message to our brothers and sisters."
-Rabbi Benzion Klatzko