Genesis 1-25a [with Cdrom] (Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary)
The Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series, written by accomplished biblical scholars with all students of the Bible in mind, presents relevant scholarship in an accessible way. A visual generation of believers deserves a commentary series that contains not only the all-important textual commentary on Scripture but also images, photographs, maps, works of fine art, and drawings that bring the text to life. The Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary features: Visually stimulating and user-friendly format, Insight from many of today's finest scholars, Accompanying CD-ROM featuring powerful searching and research tools, Format that is ideal in a college/seminary classroom or a church setting, Distinctive hyperlinks that connect special interest boxes printed in color, Thorough indexes enabling the reader to locate information quickly, Internet support for news, information, updates, and enhancements to the series Book jacket.