1 & 2 Thessalonians (Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary) (Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series)
First and Second Thessalonians explore the first-century Mediterranean world in which the Apostle Paul writes to the community of faith in Thessaloniki. It is a complex dialogue among the Thessalonian believers, the young missionary Paul, and the readers who would follow through the centuries. Known as the Thessalonian Correspondence, these writings give us a wide window into this ancient environment where Paul lived, worked, and taught. What community fears, joys, or trauma gave rise to his words? What were the social and cultural experiences of this community of new believers? How did they understand the life of faith? How did they manage issues of life and work, faith and profession? These letters also help us, the twenty-first-century readers, understand Paul’s perspectives on leadership, ethics, community life, and death. These letters encourage and challenge us, as they encouraged and challenged the community in Thessaloniki, to live faithfully and lovingly with one another as we go about our work and worship.Written by accomplished scholars with all students of Scripture in mind, this innovative new commentary series is designed to make quality Bible study more accessible. Pastors, professors and students of Scripture are discovering that this commentary is a wonderful new tool for enhancing interpretation.