Unhindered Abundance: Restoring Our Souls in a Fragmented World
Product Description
Rewire Your Brain with Truth from Scripture
Have you ever felt stuck in your Christian life? Have you wondered if the abundant life Jesus promised is really available for you right here and right now? If you answered
yes to either of these questions, then this book is for you. This book will help you identify the spiritual growth barriers that are keeping you stuck as well as show you the way to experience more of the abundant life: a life characterized by more love, joy, peace, and hope than you ever dreamed possible before. Ken Baugh draws us into the inner workings of the brain and the heart, which inform how we process negative and traumatic experiences, but which also can be diverted from health and wholeness by such negative experiences. How we process hard things intellectually and spiritually recalibrates us toward either health and wholeness or bitterness and defeatism. Ken helps us rewire our brains by simmering in the Scriptures that remind us whom we belong to and what God has promised us. The end result is a resilient, robust faith prepared to weather every storm and keep in step with Jesus.
In this informative guide, Baugh (
The Quest for Christ), president of the Institute for Discipleship Training, shares the biblical principles that have helped him find greater joy and peace. . . . Christians who are feeling spiritually stuck will be drawn to Baugh’s useful suggestions.
Publisher's Weekly
Ken Baugh is well trusted for his decades of insightful teaching, practical coaching, empathetic counseling, and authentic pastoring. Now, in this wonderful new book, Ken has distilled much of his wisdom for a wider audience. I hope everyone reads this book and then buys a copy for a friend.
Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life\nMany believers feel stuck between a desire to live the abundant, full life that Jesus taught and the realities of personal struggles. We don’t see how the one relates to the other, so we continue asking God to help us grow while “trying harder” to be better people. That just doesn’t work―it leaves us more stuck and discouraged. Ken Baugh reveals the solution: a workable system in which God wants us to walk with him through grace and intimacy, bringing him our struggles and pain as we do so. Using clear, biblical teaching and the latest neuroscience, Ken will give you practical steps to come to a place where you are all God means you to be, where you walk in peace, and where you can become free of the obstacles that keep you from moving forward. Highly recommend.
John Townsend, PhD, NYT bestselling author of the Boundaries series\nI have been anticipating Ken’s inspiring, gentle guide to the Christ-formation process. This new classic is such a welcomed resource, equipping us to flourish and live as a whole person, in
shalom as God intended. May you experience great joy on the journey.
Dr. Catherine Hart Weber, director of Flourish Center for Wellbeing at Sierra Madre, California, author of Flourish\nUnhindered Abundance is a health-food “smoothie” for the soul. Ken Baugh has managed to blend solid cognitive neuroscience into the healthiest spiritual traditions and practices. Not only do we enjoy the flavors that changed his life and ministry, but we also taste traces of attachment love and relational life that transform identity into the sweet taste of Jesus.
Jim Wilder, author of Renovated\nWith Scripture, life experience, and insights from brain science,
Unhindered Abundance skillfully charts the path to Christ-formation and abundant Christian living. This carefully researched and eminently practical work shows how healthy spiritual habits rewire the human brain from spiritual apathy and addictive behaviors to the Spirit-filled life we long for but often fail to achieve.
Bruce Demarest, senior professor of Christian formation at Denver Seminary\nOver the years, I have learned to trust those who experience the truths they teach