The Blueprint: A Man's Journey to Self Discovery
The Blueprint: A Man’s Journey to Self Discovery will completely change any man’s perspective concerning what it is to be a man. It is clear that today, now more than ever, men are being faced with the struggle to understand their maleness. Many men have grown up fatherless and have never experienced the love and affi rmation of a father. In his book, Claude Bevier proves from a biblical perspective that manhood is not something that can be achieved outside of a close, intimate, personal relationship with God as Father. Also, Claude points out what he calls “The Fatherhood- Manhood Connection” explaining how fathers have been given authority to give identity. Lastly, he shows how a man’s relationship of intimacy with God as Father will determine his effectiveness in every other relationship that he has. As you read this book you will be inspired and empowered to “Know God, to Know Yourself and to Know your Purpose in life.”