International Commercial Arbitration - A Transnational Perspective (American Casebook Series)
This innovative casebook on International Commercial Arbitration―currently used on several continents― approaches the subject as uniquely transnational law. Authored by three leading arbitration experts coming from different legal backgrounds who have taught worldwide, it covers international conventions, court decisions, arbitral awards, statutes, and arbitration rules from all over the world. This thoroughly updated 7th edition includes new or expanded sections on, for example, third-party funding, enhanced transparency―particularly in investment arbitration―(amidst concerns for confidentiality), and difficulties in appointing and challenging arbitrators (concerning “issue conflict”, “double hatting”, and equal representation). The 7th edition adds new cases, for example, on enforcing annulled awards, the negative effect of Kompetenz-Kompetenz, and on non-arbitral issues in corporate disputes. It also adds new problems for student study and analysis. This completely updated edition includes new and current treaties and legislative acts, such as, the 2014 Convention on Transparency in Investor-State Arbitration, the 2015 amendments to the Indian Arbitration Act, the 2016 amendments to the Belgian Judicial Code and new or updated institutional rules, such as the new 2017 ICC Rules, the 2016 ICC Note to Parties and Arbitral Tribunals on the Conduct of Arbitration, the 2017 SCC Rules, the 2018 VIAC Rules, and the 2018 DIS Rules.