Melody Knight: A Vampire's Tale
In this unique cross between a spy thriller and a vampire novel, Melody Knight has lived thirty-seven years as a vampire. Her involvement in a CIA assignment exposes a $51 billion human organ market, and the storyline climaxes when a weapon is developed that returns a vampire to being human. The reader experiences both the life of a CIA operative and life within a vampire family. Melody’s vampire family is introduced in flashbacks, and each member has their own issues. The Knights are presented as a blended family with all the peculiarities that accompany those unions, and it is through her experiences with her vampire family that Melody develops an acceptance and respect for humanity.Melody Knight: A Vampire’s Tale by author Tony Lindsay deals with the origin of American vampires, and a mystery/thriller edge develops when murdered children, human organ farming, and CIA corporate gains are uncovered. Melody’s growth from a depressed human bride (her fiancé was gunned on her wedding day) to a vampire that cares about humanity is shocking.