Blue Planet Mandate: Aliens on Earth, Best Alien Book
Blue Planet Project author Jefferson Souza has blown the lid off the Alien Conspiracy!
No wonder the government wants to keep him locked up!
Was this, the first new book by Jefferson Souza since the Blue Planet Project, smuggled out of a Federal Prison? The Aliens: I'm sure you have often wondered who they really are, what are they, where are they from, how long have they been here, are they benevolent or are they here to destroy us?
What methods do they use to get to our planet? How many different groups of aliens are there and what are their different characteristics? You are soon going to get your answers to these questions and so many more!
Jefferson Souza definitely knows too much and could do tremendous damage to the plans of certain groups that hold power over us humans! I have been told by someone that knows Jefferson well that he may not even know how important some of his knowledge really is and those in power need to keep the lid on it.
As you well know, it all started with the Blue Planet Project Book, created from Jefferson Souza's research notes that date back over 20 years.
He had been deeply involved in alien research, numerous connections with the top names in alien research, government insiders, and leaders of foreign nations who had their own agendas for taking advantage of his knowledge and abilities to gain it. Jefferson had access to high security information, whether legally or illegally, we may never know.
Originally, when the Blue Planet Project was first published, there were claims that he was a U.S. government scientist involved in retrieving crashed UFOs and the alien occupants. If you haven't read any of the Blue Planet Project books, you will be amazed and shocked that these truths have finally come out!
Some of Jefferson Souza’s readers have said they felt that it was almost illegal for them to even be reading this hidden knowledge!
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