Christ and Chaos: Biblical Keys to Ethical Questions
This work alerts readers to about a hundred crucial questions that relate to 15 (14+ 1) areas of concern with which college/theological students and Christians in general often wrestle. Briefly, these areas focus on ethical and theological issues under the designations of "On" Chaos, Equality/Discrimination, Integrity, Battles Christians Fight, Government and Politics, the Meaning of Salvation, Defining a Christian, the Spirit World, Freedom and the Will of God, Divorce and Remarriage, Homosexuality, Encountering the Dark Side, Death, Heaven and Eternity, and Christian Worship. I have also included at the end a major Postscript on significant questions related to issues that are reaching into the future including: Refugees, Wealth, War, Euthanasia, Abortion, Birth Control and Sexual Activity, Genetic Engineering, Robotics and Transplants.