This I Know: A Simple Biblical Defense for LGBTQ Christians
Jesus loves me, this I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
These words may ring hollow in the ears of a member of the LGBTQ community. They learned the tune as children. They memorized the words. They delighted in the idea of being cherished by God and guarded by scripture. But somewhere along the way, someone in the church turned the Bible into a weapon and Jesus into an inaccessible friend. Many of the LGBTQ people I've come to know have had to learn to trust this song again. They've had to be reintroduced to the Jesus who loves them and to the Bible that guards them. I want my LGBTQ brothers and sisters to know, Jesus loves them and the Bible says no different.
You owe no assailant a thorough explanation of your beliefs. Most of your critics could not provide a cohesive theological explanation of their beliefs beyond, "There's a verse in the Bible that says..." Second, they are not in conversation with you to be convinced of anything themselves. It is not a true dialogue. They are not thinking. They are simply protecting their ideas, dogma, and personal fears from the intrusion of grace. Sadly, people who fail to offer grace have rarely allowed themselves to enjoy the full measure of grace afforded them. In the end they are trying to condemn or convince you. So use these arguments if you wish, or simply hold them close and sing with confidence, "Jesus loves me; this I know. For the Bible tells me so."