Selected Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition Statutes, Regulations, and Treaties, 2015 Edi (Selected Statutes)
The 2015 edition of this collection of primary source materials in intellectual property law has been streamlined to allow for more effective classroom use as a supplemental resource, through the elimination of certain infrequently used materials. The revamped collection retains a wide range of IP and related statutes, such as the Economic Espionage Act and criminal provisions relating to counterfeiting, all thoroughly updated to include the most recent amendments. It also contains numerous international agreements dealing with intellectual property law, including the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs and the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances, which are new to this edition. The text of various model statutes and Restatement provisions commonly referenced in IP cases are also provided, making this collection the ideal companion to any casebook in both survey and specialized courses on intellectual property.