Housekeeping Skills for Kids
When your child leaves home to establish his or her own, will he or she know how to plan balanced meals, shop wisely, and prepare an appetizing meal with hot things hot and cold things cold at the same time? Will he or she know basic home repairs and how to use and care for tools? What about clothes? Besides mastering laundering, will mending be a skill that he takes with him? Were you equipped with such knowledge when you left home? Most of us firmly believe that it is our responsibility as parents to provide such training, but we are overwhelmed by our own lack of knowledge and the merciless demands on our time and energy. This book was written due to this author's need for an easy plan for training one skill at a time, using short amounts of time, until the task was completed with each child. This book is that plan. It will not only give you success with training, but will provide you with many times of laughter and memories as you interact with your children.