Best of Ohio Short Stories: Volume 2
A unique collection of literary and popular fiction, the fifteen short stories featured in Best of Ohio Short Stories: Volume II will please readers of all types. These engaging, powerful, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking stories have been carefully selected from hundreds of submissions from Ohio authors. The egalitarian selection process attracted and published authors of all types and experience levels, from the literary stalwarts of Ohio’s impressive academic communities, to debut authors toiling to rise above their day jobs. Best of Ohio Short Stories: Volume II features the work of Tom Barlow, Jennifer Bryan, Chris Burnside, Charles Derry, Scott Geisel, Emily Hitchcock, Brenda Layman, Ian Moeckel, Kathleen Nicklaus, Michael O’Donnell, G.L. Mislin, Lawrence Parlier, Brooks Rexroat, Tonja Matney Reynolds, and Sara Ross Witt. Every reader will find a story to love in this unique collection of short stories by Ohio authors.