The Brave Maiden
The Brave Maiden is the story of a young woman who – in a quest for revenge – prevails against greed, treachery and brutality in medieval England. She is destined to bring peace and justice to the country; but first, she must discover her inner strength and nurture the qualities required of a leader.
About the author: Geoffrey Craig’s fiction, poetry and drama have appeared in numerous literary journals; and he has received two Pushcart Prize nominations. He retired from banking in 2002 and began his second career by writing poetry. One of his first poetic works was The Brave Maiden, an adventure novel in rhymed couplets that he originally wrote as a Christmas present for his then eleven-year-old daughter, Danielle.
In addition to his fiction and poetry, four of Geoffrey’s full-length plays (one co-authored) and ten of his one-acts have been produced. He has directed productions of eight of his plays. He loves directing, in part because the theater is a cooperative endeavor and Geoffrey gets great satisfaction from working with people. In his first directorial opportunity, the cast all knew far more about theater than Geoffrey; but he persisted and learned.
Prior to both banking and writing, Geoffrey served in the Peace Corps, a life changing experience that taught him much about the world in which we all live. As for Danielle, she is in law school.