Managerial Forensics
Managerial Forensics is the practice of gathering historical corporate data for the purpose of analyzing and identifying reasons for managerial obstacles, mismanagement, bankruptcy and corporate demise. In this pioneering edition, thought leaders on organizational analysis share their views on the best practices in corporate analysis. Following the notion that the past offers insights into the future, the book examines the maladies in contemporary business and offers strategies for ?corporate resurrection.? A forensic management approach takes on a broader approach and deeper analysis of an enterprise. In greater probability, the root cause of corporate problems extends beyond financial matters. The book ?Developments in Managerial Forensics.? will gather 10 articles from contributors whose expertise is on organizational analysis. The book will cover topics that have led to corporate demise such as financial practices and systems, legal challenges, technology and security and more. Readers worldwide will benefit from the book since it offers practical strategies in assessing what has gone wrong in an organization?s operation. The book is the ultimate reference guide on managerial forensics. The book should appeal to the academic community, business people, consultants, as well as policy makers. Government organizations may find value in this book as they try to uncover corporate fraud, negligence and mismanagement.