No Bull Information: A Humorous Practical Guide to Help Americans Adapt to the Information Age
"No Bull Information"---NBI---will help you to flourish in our information-dense world. You begin by sharpening your information sensors. I show you how to spot, avoid, and help to correct information absurdities.
Meet Arnbi---your guide on the road to better information. Arnbi has much advice to offer. Usually these are called ARMBisms such as:
Too bad, but "simple" is a square peg that seldom fits into the round hole that is our modern world.
Facts are necessary but they must be put into context (PUTFiC).
Lies, damn lies, and statistics---cute, but it's not that simple.
Winning World War II is a major cause of the heath care financing crisis of 2013.
In a matter of hours, you will be able to use principles explained in NBI, take better control of the bull-laden world around you, and take action to improve everything from supermarket pricing to politicians' clichés. You can begin on your way to check out in a supermarket