A Directory of Automated Airport Weather Stations 2017
While flying across the country, pilots have a network of automated weather stations that can be called up (by phone or radio) to hear about what the weather is like along their route. For over 2,000 of these stations, there is also a public phone number that can be dialed to hear the same automated weather reports. This book offers up a listing of all of the stations, organized by state, county, and city. It includes the airport name and identifier along with the phone number and radio frequency of the automated weather report. This directory is an indispensable tool for both motorists and aviators. Since these stations are scattered across the nation, you can call ahead and see what the weather is doing along your route. It is also good for those at home who want to know what the weather is like at their hometown airport or anywhere else in the country. Printed in the USA by Fairhaven Press.