Created and Produced by Total Television Productions (hardback)
In 1959, Buck Biggers, Chester "Chet" Stove, Joe Harris, and Treadwell D. Covington founded Total Television. Their goal was to create cartoon characters that encouraged kids to buy General Mills breakfast cereals and other products. Their animation series were produced from 1959-1969 using the "limited animation" technique, where minimal movements were synchronized with voice actor performances.
Total Television produced:
The King and Odie (1960-1963)
The Hunter (1960-1963)
Commander McBragg (1963-1966)
Go Go Gophers (1966-1969)
Klondike Kat (1963-1966)
Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales (1963-1966)
The Beagles (1966-1969)
The Sing A Long Family (1964-1967)
Tooter Turtle (1960-1963)
Twinkles the Elephant (1960-1963)
Underdog (1964-1967)
Gene Hattree (1964-1966)
Cauliflower Cabby (1964)
The Colossal Show (1964)
Discover how Total Television evolved through rare production artwork and storyboards, as well as reminiscences from Total Television's founders.
"Mark Arnold is the guy who the other authorities on comic books and animated cartoons turn to when they're stumped for an obscure tidbit of pop cultural information; he always delivers the goods."
- Scott Shaw, cartoonist