Studies in Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Volume 2; Chapters 9-10)
After 80 years, the long awaited volume two is now in print. Sadly, this second and last volume only covers Romans 9:1 - 10:13. Although Brother Roger lived another decade after completing volume one, his health never permitted him to finish the series past the contents of this second installment. THIS IS A FACSIMILE. A facsimile reprint is a photographic duplicate of the original work. We dedicate a large amount of time and resources to acquire and preserve original material, the age and condition of which have a direct effect on the outcome of our reproductions. Like the books on which we base our reprints, our copies may contain imperfections such as printing errors and flaws, as well as user markings, notations and underlining. However, we believe that these works are important enough to make available as part of our dedication in protecting, preserving and promoting valuable historical Scripture study resources.