A Door Opening Into Everlasting Life
Andrew Gray (1634-1656) was, in his day, a most singular and pious young man; and though he died young, yet he was old in grace, having lived and done much for God ''s Kingdom in a little time as a Reformed preacher. He was one of the most highly regarded Scottish divines of the "Second Reformation" and was also one of the youngest. Gray was twenty-two years old when he died of fever, but as noted by one of his biographers, "We may safely say that never in the history of our country did a man of his years make so deep a mark."
This outstanding Puritan work by Andrew Gray is a compilation of five treatises. He wrote it for the spiritual encouragement of true believers in Jesus Christ, and to aid them in their journey towards blessedness in Christ. They are essays "tending to advance Gospel holiness and to establish the hearts of true believers against their many doubts and fears." The first treatise contains arguments for leaving sin and living in a holy manner. The second treatise contains directions on how to attain eternal blessedness. The third treatise contains the characters of a true believer. The fourth treatise contains resolutions on the doubting Christian and lists a variety of "cases of conscience." Lastly, treatise five contains the happiness and privileges of a true believer.
This work is not a scan or facsimile and has been made easy to read with an active table of contents for electronic versions.