Heaven Touches Earth Through Hospital Ministry: Handbook for Clergy and Lay Visitors
She had been killed in an automobile accident. Her husband was in route to the hospital. I met their minister in the hospital corridor. In utter desperation, he cried, "I feel so uncomfortable coming to the hospital. It's such a foreign environment. I don't know what to say or do. I've never done this before. Please tell me what to do." The patient said,"My pastor doesn't make hospital visits. He can't handle hospitals." When the unexpected arises and you find your parishioners hospitalized, are you equipped to support them effectively? Difficult situations can catch us off guard and unprepared. This concise "how to handbook" is a succinct resource of clear insight into hospital practices/protocol useful in training volunteers, parish visitors, pastors/chaplains and a helpful refresher guide for those that have studied hospital ministry. You will proceed with confidence as you minister to the sick and suffering.