Mother, Should I Trust the Government?: The Making and Keeping of Our American Republic
This book is designed to be a simple explanation of our Founders’ vision of a republican form of government where the people and the States were to be sovereign, while stressing that the Federal government was to have only a few, very few, limited and explicitly listed enumerated powers given to them by the people. It is also an exposé of stories where the Federal and at times State governments have abused their designated powers and violated the God-given sovereignty of life and liberty for American citizens.
Our Founding Fathers did not deal with godless, man-centered, pie-in-the-sky, utopic theories that had no anchoring in the real world of sinful fallen man, who was also fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. This book is a clear reminder to us of where we’ve been in the eternal war for life and liberty and why we must always be vigilant and suspect of the powers that be.