101 Ways to Enjoy the Mosaic: Creating a Diverse Community Right in Your Own Backyard (1)
We're all born curious, but curiosity is an easy quality to lose. It's too easy in the midst of a busy life to settle into the comfortable and familiar. To become trapped in our own routines, our own culture. Yet when we look outside, we see that the world is filled with a rich mosaic of cultures and new perspectives. 101 Ways to Enjoy the Mosaic is a guide to taking the first steps out of the rut and beginning to sample new customs, including foods, festivals and other fun, that we might miss sometimes because we think we aren't invited to attend! Having cultural competence does not have to mean the ability to speak five languages fluently or travel the world over. Cultural competence is readily available to every one of us because it is really nothing more than learning more about our neighbors. Gaining cultural competence is part of a practice of living more deliberately and peacefully with all of our neighbors in a continually more globalized world.101 Ways to Enjoy the Mosaic has been created from Skot Welch's thirty-year experience in international business, diversity and inclusion consulting. He's pioneered diversity and inclusion initiatives for Fortune 500 firms in Asia, Europe, Africa and South America, and is the founder and principal of a successful innovation-through inclusion firm, Global Bridgebuilders.