Great Expectations
In this adaptation of the classic Dickens novel, a young orphan named Pip is fostered by his sister and her husband, Joe. Across the marsh comes a mysterious stranger, a convict who frightens Pip and forces the boy to steal food for him. The convict escapes and Pip thinks no more of it. In time, Pip is sent to a grand but dilapidated manor house, where aging recluse Miss Havisham wastes away the time with her beautiful adopted daughter, Estella. Pip falls in love with Estella, who has been taught cruelty by her adopted mother. The years go by, and though Pip becomes Joe's apprentice, he yearns for a life beyond his reach. Out of the blue, a lawyer, Jaggers, informs Pip that he has a secret benefactor who believes in his "great expectations." Just as Pip imagines Miss Havisham has made his fortune, the mysterious convict returns, changing everything. But ultimately, love overcomes all in this story which trumpets the will of the human heart and spirit. 75-90 minutes. 1-7 females, 1-5 males (4-8 performers total). Suitable for high schools, youth theatres, universities and community theatres. Published and performances licensed by YouthPLAYS (, publisher of plays for young actors and audiences.