Looking for Contentment in All the Wrong Places: A Bible Study of Joy and Contentment
When Eve was in the garden she was content – until she took her eyes off the many blessings God had given her - a beautiful home, a loving husband, and a caring heavenly Father. Her contentment vanished only after she focused on the one thing she was not supposed to have. How often do we do this? Despite the many blessings that God gives, we look around for things we don’t (or maybeshouldn’t) have. What happens then? We grow dissatisfied with the blessings we do have. What makes you discontent? If you set your eyes only on Jesus, could you be truly content? Searching for Contentment explores what God’s word reveals about the things that cause us to be discontented, and focuses on how we can learn to be content with the joy and blessings He offers in Christ.