Living in the Afterlife: Experiences from the Soul Place
Have you, a family member or a friend ever wondered about what it's like after we leave this earth? Do you know someone who is fearful of death? Have you recently lost a dear loved one, or a pet and wonder where they are or what they are doing? Michele A. Livingston is a spiritual medium endorsed by World Renowned Evidential Medium, James Van Praagh who calls her a Trance Channel. Using these abilities for Living in the Afterlife: Experiences from the Soul Place, Michele was able to communicate with the souls of her departed relatives, clients, friends and other spirits bringing new insight and understanding of the Heavenly Realms. Not only what we experience at the time of our death, but what we may actually be doing when we finally make transition to the Other Side!Through actual communication with these souls that are now in Heaven, Michele brings new insight and understanding about what happens after we die. And it may not be what you think or believe! There is as much to do there spiritually as there is to do physically here on earth. We can teach, study with ascended masters and experts from any discipline, help other souls make transition, guide people (souls) still on earth and even re-create our own favorite memories from our last lifetime. Or we can simply relax and do nothing!The information Michele received came from a broad range of departed souls throughout history, including well know celebrities, suicide victims, soldiers, and more. Therefore, Michele was able to paint a picture of what we may expect, not only as we make transition, but as our life continues in the Soul Place, our True Home!