Signs and Symbols of the Liturgy: An Experience of Ritual and Catechesis
Catholic liturgy is a rich language composed of music, spoken word, silence, symbols, signs, postures, gestures, and ritual actions. Each of these elements serves to open our hearts, minds, and bodies to the presence of God, allowing us to deepen our participation in the mystery we celebrate. This resource will help participants explore the various elements of the liturgy. Give groups in your parish a reverent, artful, and interactive experience of the symbols of the liturgy followed by time to reflect on their meaning. The symbols common things of nature and human craft such as water, candlelight, oil, book, and cross, are the very language through which we encounter the mysteries of our faith, and they cannot be understood through words alone. Signs and Symbols of the Liturgy will help parishes break open the signs and symbols of the liturgy in their most basic forms. It explains how to prepare a ritual and catechetical experience of the signs and symbols in which participants can interact with the symbols as they are presented, one by one.