Borrowed Goods: It All Belongs to Him
Every human being is given certain gifts and abilities. The athlete is made to run. The musician is made to play. The artist, to create, and the teacher, to teach. These gifts are given to us by God, who shaped and formed us with a purpose. But what if the runner did not run, and the musician did not play? What if the artist put down his paintbrush, and the teacher, his chalk? Our gifts are no good if we do not use them. Borrowed Goods: It All Belongs to Him illuminates and modernizes the parable of the talents, found in Matthew 25: 14-30. This parable tells of two servants who used what they were given and one who did not. The servants who put their gifts to good use were rewarded, while the servant who buried his gift in the sand was punished. What gifts has God given you? What eternal assignment has God bestowed upon your shoulders? Will you be a preacher? A choir leader? Or will you be an accountant who, over the water cooler, tells a coworker about Jesus Christ? God gave human beings gifts to use, to give our lives eternal purpose. Let Borrowed Goods remind you that your talents exist to be used, and you should use them today!