The Aging Eye: Preventing and treating eye disease
Of your five senses, which one are you most afraid of losing? If youre like most people, the answer is your ability to see. Despite this, many people are not conscientious about caring for their eyes and often neglect to visit an ophthalmologist for routine eye exams as they get older. This report focuses on four disorders that pose the greatest threats to vision after age 40: cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. It will help you determine your risk of developing these disorders, describe their symptoms, and discuss diagnosis and treatment. This report also describes other common eye disorders, including presbyopia, dry eye, floaters and flashes, retinal detachment, and eyelid problems such as drooping upper or lower lids. Youll also learn why you should have regular eye exams, especially if you have diabetes or a family history of glaucoma; how to recognize the risk factors and symptoms of specific eye diseases; and what steps you can take to prevent or treat them before your vision deteriorates further.