Harvard Medical School Living Wills: A guide to advance directives, health care power of attorney, and other key documents
Many people shy away from preparing a living will or health care power of attorney, perhaps because it s difficult to ponder death, or they aren t sure what their end-of-life wishes are, or don t know how to go about doing it. But taking some time to think about what kinds of medical treatment you would or wouldn t want if you were unable to speak for yourself is can be a blessing for your loved ones. Living wills and health care proxies documents known as advance care directives give you a voice in decisions about your medical care. Yet only a quarter or less of Americans have filled out advance directives. Without these documents, choices may be left up to a doctor or someone appointed by a judge a person who may not know your values, beliefs, or preferences (your health care philosophy). Not only is it possible that the care you receive isn t in keeping with your wishes, but this also may be a great burden on a loved one, who is forced to make difficult decisions without knowing what you would want. So take the time to learn about and complete the necessary forms the sooner the better. This report walks you through the process, explains the medical terms and procedures you ll need to know, helps you determine what kind of end-of-life care you would want, and even provides the forms you ll need.