Uncluttered Faith: How a Professional Skeptic Came to Believe in God
Presented as a series of seven letters written to the leading atheist, Richard Dawkins, Uncluttered Faith successfully connects the dots from unbelief to faith without dodging the tough questions. John Scott, a former nonbeliever and a retired lawyer, began reading books on the God debate over fifty years ago while struggling with his own doubts. He found many arguments so saturated with philosophic jargon or scientific vernacular that they seemed incomprehensible. After years of searching and conducting his own ''faith experiment,'' Scott finally found compelling, rational reasons to believe in God that are not difficult to understand. These reasons point to an accessible path that scientists and nonscientists alike can and have followed to an unshakable faith an uncluttered faith. Scott's thoughtful, well-reasoned critique of Dawkins's case against God's existence penetrates the clamor surrounding the God debate and speaks with resounding rationale.