Credit Scoring and Its Applications (Mathematics In Industry)
New to the second edition are: lessons that can be learned for operations research model building from the global financial crisis; current applications of scoring; discussions on the Basel Accords and their requirements for scoring; new methods for scorecard building and new expanded sections on ways of measuring scorecard performance; and survival analysis for credit scoring.
Other unique features include methods of monitoring scorecards and deciding when to update them, as well as different applications of scoring, including direct marketing, profit scoring, tax inspection, prisoner release, and payment of fines.
Audience: This book is an indispensable reference to credit analysts, scorecard developers, and credit risk managers employed by lending companies such as banks, finance houses, mortgage companies, credit card companies, retailers, mail order firms, utility companies, and insurance companies. Graduate students in mathematical finance, industrial mathematics, and statistics and senior undergraduate students in mathematics, statistics, and quantitative business studies courses will find this a most useful textbook.
Contents: Chapter 1: The History and Philosophy of Credit Scoring; Chapter 2: The Practice of Credit Scoring; Chapter 3: Common Methods for Building Scorecards; Chapter 4: Alternative Methods of Building Scorecards; Chapter 5: Survival Methods; Chapter 6: Managing the Data in Scorecard Development; Chapter 7: Behavioral Scoring; Chapter 8: Measuring Scorecard Performance; Chapter 9: Implementation and Areas of Application; Chapter 10: Economic Issues; Chapter 11: Capital Requirements and the Basel Accords; Chapter 12: Securitization and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis; Chapter 13: Variable Pricing and Risk-Based Pricing.