Druids is a medieval fantasy adventure of an isolated lad born with an eerie sense that earns him the suspicion and contempt of those who fail to see it as a gift. He joins with two renowned knights – both caught up in a terse gender rivalry – while on a perilous quest to liberate a ruined land from a druid-lord’s deranged sorcery. It raises images of a nerve-wracking game of chess come to life: a broken castle, a captive queen in dire need of being released, a dread knight whose very name terrorizes foes, and underling foot-soldiers deemed “pons” -- who yet harbor a latent strength of their own. And rippling through the saga, like a whispery breeze, is the mysterious Cryptic Sense – possessed by those destined to become druids. A blend of ancient beliefs like animism and the early science of alchemy – and draped in the Native American spiritualism of Manitou. – the Cryptic Sense of this tale explores the tight bond between druids & nature.
An Early Reader Says:"Druids is an awesome read! If you're a fantasy lover like myself, then Druids is a must. This book has it all... action, romance, memorable characters and plot twists. But even more importantly, a great story. Hollywood, if you're listening, I'd buy a ticket to this movie!" - Jason Filardi, prominent Hollywood screenwriter
About the Author: Nicholas Checker has written independent films that have been shown in cinemas and film festivals across the country...Checker's background includes a published one-act play, Kangaroo Court -- a dark satire where animals put humans on trial. Nicholas Checker can be reached via Facebook or nickchecker@aol.com. (Full bio inside, following text)