The Sportsman: Unexpected Lessons from an Around-the-World Sports Odyssey
Now in his 11th season in the NFL, Dhani Jones has had an unusually long career for a football player. Just a few years ago, however, Dhani thought his playing days were over. Cut by the Eagles and the Saints, he was at a professional crossroads. When the Bengals called, though, he was more than ready and in the best shape of his life. And for that, he credits his off-season. The Sportsman follows Dhani€™s discovery that the parts of his life that, to many, seemed to be distractions€” including an off-season TV show that sent him around the world to learn and compete in other sports€”actually served to cross-train him in ways he€™d never imagined, enabling him to become more grounded, globally aware, and, most surprisingly, a much better football player.Part travelogue, part workout guide, part Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Sportsman is an invigorating account of Dhan