Products Liability and Safety, Cases and Materials, 7th (University Casebook Series)
Previous editions of this classic casebook have been adopted at over 100 law schools, including Harvard, Yale, Penn, NYU, Michigan, Duke, Georgetown, and Texas.
The Seventh Edition continues the book’s tradition of sensitively exploring products liability law, theory, and practical litigation insights. This edition retains a great majority of prior cases and materials, organized with studied care, which long have marked this book as the leader in the field. It adds a number of new cases and legislative developments, makes slight organizational enhancements, and streamlines presentation. The 7th edition continues to stress developments in the evolving meaning of “defectiveness” and problems of proof―both generally and arising from the Supreme Court’s Daubert v. Merrell Dow decision. This new edition includes updated and enriched materials in the following critical areas:
- Automotive Crashworthiness
- Toxic Substances causation