Microstrip Lines and Slotlines (Artech House Microwave Library (Hardcover))
Since the second edition of this book was published in 1996, planar transmission line technology has progressed considerably due to developments in ultrawideband (UWB) communications, imaging, and RFID applications. In addition, the simultaneous demands for compactness of wireless electronic devices while meeting improved performance requirements, necessitates increased use of computer-aided design, simulation, and analysis by microwave engineers. This book is written to help engineers successfully meet these challenges.
Details include the development of governing equations, basis functions, Green s function and typical results. More than 1200 equations supplement the text. Special attention is given to the use of simulation software in the design of complex devices and understanding the connection between data collected from simulation software and the actual design process.
The book is primarily intended for microwave design engineers and R&D specialists who need to employ planar transmission lines in designing distributed circuits and antenna systems for a wide range of wireless applications. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in electronics and telecommunication engineering will also welcome this addition to your library.