A natural-born leader among his peers, Kirby Wilcox enjoyed success throughout his teenage years. A two-sport letterman in high school, co-captain of his American Legion baseball team, and able to turn the head of any girl in his class with his new red Ford Fairlane convertible, Kirby was unwilling to settle for mediocrity and set his sights on the stars. He aspired to win championships, wed the homecoming queen, play Major League baseball, and attend college where only the elite are allowed entranceWest Point Military Academy. Set in the Missouri Ozarks, a twentieth century Camelot for those who came of age during the last innocent decade of the 1950s, Kirby takes a fascinating journey through the era of rock and roll before launching into the social turbulence of a changing nation in the 1960s and the dark years of young Americans sent to fight an unseen enemy in the jungles of Vietnam. Kirby must make difficult choices of young men who are driven by honor and valor. The journey of an All-American boy who becomes an All-American hero, Kirby, by J. Terry Johnson, will captivate teenage readers with a glimpse of the past and provide adults with a nostalgic recollection of their own youth.