The Fire of Revival: The Believer's Guide to Personal Transformation and Global Revival
What is Revival? It is the absolute manifestation of the presence of God Almighty in the midst of His people.
Revival is a wave that overtakes churches, cities, and regions with the power of God. When revival rushes into a community, it turns things upside down and ushers hearts back into the deeper things of God. Revival is a city-shaking movement. All historical revivals spilled out of the four walls of a church or meeting and extended into cities and then regions and nations.
Revival isn’t just for the church corporately, it is also for you as an individual. God has placed a seed of revival in your spirit. He is positioning you in hunger so you will draw upon Him for living water. The living water will heal you and bring you into your destiny. Revival is beckoning. The flames are calling out to this generation to rise higher and go deeper. Revival is being sent to unlock your hidden purpose and undying passion. Are you ready?