A Simple Act of Gratitude: How Learning to Say Thank You Changed My Life
Who in your life deserves thanks?What started out as an experiment- a quest to send 365 Thank You notes in a year- became a way of life for author John Kralik. After he hit rock bottom, the genuine effort of writing a brief note each day eased his anger, frustration, and sadness. This new focus on being grateful- even when it seemed there was little left to be thankful for- transformed his difficulties and fears as if by magic. Friendships grew deeper.....family bonds strengthened......health and finances improved. Expressing gratitude exposed the richness in his life, and the process can enrich your life, too. This honest, inspiring story reveals the remarkable power of giving thanks- and reminds us of all those people we should remember to thank:* Spouses and loved ones* Sons and daugthers* Parents and siblings* Neighbors and friends* Co-workers and business associates* Store clerks and service professionals* Anyone who does you a good turn, large or small