Biostatistical Analysis
Walking on water will show you what to expect when you step out by faith to accomplish your God given assignment. Each Chapter will motivate you to keep pressing forward as you pursue God's call on your life. You will be faced with many challenges in life but God will guide you through them. God will change many things in your life, but above all, God will change you. Expect an exciting journey and expect to finish what God has started. Pastor Jeff is the Senior Pastor at the Kingdom of God Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. Jeff lived the 1st half of his life mastered by sin until he was saved in 1990, called to preach in 1993 and ordained in 1995. He attended Temple Baptist Bible College. Jeff was involved in teaching at his local church, preaching in jails, nursing homes and providing home bible studies for anyone interested. God placed it in Jeff's heart in 1993 to start a church. Pastor Jeff was not raised in church, so he knew that this was something that he could not do without the LORD. In March 2005, the Kingdom of God was born. This nondenominational church focuses on teaching people that God wants to manifest HIS Kingdom through them. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, In Earth as it is in Heaven"