Look and Find: Beauty and the Beast (2010-05-03)
Look and Find: Beauty and the Beast presents nine highly detailed and vividly illustrated scenes that follow Belle from her life in a provincial town to the new world she finds at the Beast's magical castle. Children search each scene for six to eight hidden Disney characters and objects. The book is designed for children ages 3 and older.Here is a brief look at the nine scenes in Look and Find: Beauty and the Beast and the hidden objects:Explore Belle's provincial town for such characters as the Beast, Lumiere, and Mrs. Potts.Journey with Belle to the bookstore and find characters in the village, including Le Fou and Gaston.Search Maurice's workshop for his many wacky inventions.Find the female animals on Belle's farm who have eyes for Gaston.Hunt for the members of the Beast's household, including Cogsworth, Chip, and Featherduster.Search Gaston's tavern for missing personal items, like Gaston's