Apparel: Design, Textiles & Construction
Apparel—Design, Textiles & Construction is designed to help students understand the role of apparel in their lives and the lives of others. Students will learn about the textile and apparel industry from the U.S. and global viewpoint, the latest trends in fashion and apparel, the impact of fashion design on the industry, and a focus on career opportunities in textiles and apparel. In addition, students will also learn how to make the best decisions regarding the selection and care of apparel and how to construct apparel. This new edition also includes the following:
• New chapters on fashion design and entrepreneurship.
• Updated information on the textile industry, online shopping trends, apparel care products and equipment, and redesigning and recycling apparel.
• Emphasis on the elements and principles of design as they relate to apparel.
• Discussion on the cultural, societal, environmental, economic, and technological influences on textiles and apparel.
• A wealth of chapter review materials—Think Critically, Apparel Applications, Academic Connections, Workplace Links, and FCCLA—that help students apply text concepts.