The New-England Primer (1777)
An Unabridged Printing of the 1777 Edition of the New-England Primer with Updated Typeface for Easier Reading (and some original pages from the 1875 edition with Illustrations), To Include: Introduction (by Joel Munsell) - A Divine Song of Praise to GOD - Morning Prayer for a Child - Evening Prayer for a Child - Alphabet - A Lesson for Children - Alphabet Poem with Illustrations - Important Questions & Answers - Infant's Grace before and after Meat - An Alphabet of Lessons for Youth - The Lord's Prayer - The Creed - Dr. Watt's Cradle Hymn - Verses for Children - Our Savior's Golden Rule - The Sum of the Ten Commandments - Advice to Youth - Remember Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth - Some Proper Names of Men & Women - The Burning of Mr. John Rogers - Advice to Children (John Rogers) - Choice Sentences - Learn these four Lines by Heart - Agur's Prayer - The Shorter Catechism - Spiritual Milk for American Babes - A Dialogue between Christ, A Youth and the Devil - Advice to Children (Nathanial Clap)