Profession 2007
Profession is a journal of opinion about and for the modern language profession. Subjects of this issue include: Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion, A Dean's View of the MLA Report, Second Thoughts on the Notion of Raising Standards, A More Capacious View of Scholarship, Disciplinary Societies and Evaluating Scholarship : A View from History, Tenure, Publication and the Shape of the Careers of Humanists, Rethinking Peer Review and the Fate of the Monograph, The Junior Faculty Handbook, Tenure, Promotion and Textual Scholarship at the Teaching Institution, Two Reasons Why This Report Matters (an Admittedly Small-Minded Response), The University and the High School, The Affirmative Activism Project, Reports from the Field, MLA Report. These materials give fresh perspective on the evaluation of scholarship for tenure, the status of African American faculty members in English departments, and the place of foreign language departments in the academy today. Also contains articles on the relation between secondary and postsecondary education, the historicization of literary studies, the generational divide in cognitive styles, academic literacy, Spanish as a foreign national language, and the humanities and globalization.