A gripping historical tale that transcends centuries and hearts to show that every life...and every life circumstance...has ultimate purpose. He could have been any of the men I saw every day on the streets of Jerusalem. But when he looked straight at me, I was overcome with an emotion I could not name.... In A.D. 25, living in close proximity to the tempestuous Herod Antipas meant continually skirting the edge of danger. Rumors abounded of an uneducated carpenter's son from the Galil-Yeshua ben Yosef, of Nazeret-who supposedly healed the sick. Yohana had never put much stock in so-called miracle workers. So many charlatans plied their trade in and around Jerusalem, making fantastic sums off a gullible and desperate populace. Yohana was determined not to be one of those drawn in, yet there was something different about this new miracle worker....