The Lepers Among Us
The Lepers Among Us sends a call to the Evangelical Church to stop treating believers who struggle with homosexual sin as lepers. The call is for the Church to be and become Family for all sinning Saints, including those who struggle with same-sex sins - to stop dispensing a hush-hush shame and begin mediating grace openly to all believers who struggle with gender identity issues. Like all of us, same-sex strugglers from time to time need professional counseling or a para-church group, but neither can possibly do the work of publicly and openly redeeming a life for a lifetime. Only the Church can do such a great work! It is time for the Church to host parties for those who come home to Christ's Body, declaring their desire to be healed and their willingness to repent. Jim holds a B.A. and Masters of Divinity degree from Abilene Christian University (1964, 1967), a doctorate from the Graduate Theological University, Berkeley, California (1974), and a J.D. degree from SMU (1981). He has served as a licensed marriage and family counselor and has published numerous articles and one book, Secrets of Eden, God and Human Sexuality (1974). He has taught Religion, Theology, Philosophy and Biblical Studies at Pepperdine University, University of Texas and Austin and presently is an adjunct professor at Dallas Christian College. He is also presently doing mediation for Dale O'Neall and Associates in Fort Worth, Texas. From 1981 to 2007, Jim Reynolds was a family lawyer in Fort Worth, Texas where he was a Partner in the Whitaker Chalk law firm. Since 1984 he has served as the preaching pastor of the Lake Highlands Church in Dallas, Texas. He is married with two children.