A SEVEN-FOLD PROMISE OF HIS SOON COMING Dan Goodwin and Bill Waugh believe that we are living in the last days and that we are very close to the end of the world. Everything has been turned upside down. America has lost her moral compass. Everything is getting ready to change. The "Strong delusion" has already begun. The influence of Satan and his followers can be seen and felt even in our churches. The authors believe that time is short. Jesus is getting ready to come back and snatch His bride from the earth. Events are happening that will lead the world to follow one man and yoke all religions together. This book reveals some startling prophetic truths that you need to know about. It is time that God's people awaken to the reality that we may be the last generation upon the earth. We may be the generation that is caught up to meet the Lord in the clouds and it may be sooner than anyone realizes! This book reveals: -God's prophetic calendar -The seven feasts -What year is it -Seven clocks ticking -The 70th Jubilee -Christ comes for His bride -Shemitah year 2015 -When did the New Testament begin About the authors Daniel Goodwin has been in the ministry since 1983. He has authored several books including the best seller, God's Final Jubilee. He hosts the God's Final Jubilee Radio Program on 1280AM KXEG in Phoenix, AZ. Daniel speaks at churches and prophecy conferences across America. He is a frequent guest on Prophecy in the News TV, Southwest Radio Church, and many other media outlets. Bill Waugh has been in the ministry since 1985. He is a pastor and has taught Bible at Shawnee Baptist College. He is an avid student of Bible prophecy.