Passing Through: Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness
As twenty-first-century Christians, we must relate to the world, but the question is, how do we relate to it? Some Christians isolate themselves and develop a bunker mentality, while others are inattentive, viewing the world as irrelevant and maintaining a kind of distant ignorance that lacks sincere compassion. Still others, motivated by doing good to others, emulate the world and simply meld into the environment. In Passing Through: Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness, Pastor Jeremy Walker offers us a helpful, encouraging guide to making our way through this life as we root our activities in our identity as disciples of Jesus Christ. He reminds us that we need the Word of God as our map and the Spirit of Christ as our compass in order to embrace our identity and pursue our activities to the praise and glory of our God and Savior.
Table of Contents:
1. A Way in the World
2. Strangers and Pilgrims
3. Understand the Environment
4. Know the Enemy
5. Fight the Battles
6. Pursue the Mission
7. Respect the Authorities
8. Alleviate the Suffering
9. Appreciate the Beauty
10. Anticipate the Destiny
11. Cultivate the Identity
12. Serve the King