Transformers Animated Volume 5
The adventures of the TRANSFORMERS continue in this fifth volume of Transformers Animated! First, in "Survival of the Fittest," PROWL and BULKHEAD track the kidnapped Sari to an island inhabited by the DINOBOTS where a familiar foe has used his powers to bring the mighty beasts under his control. Then, in "Lost and Found," BLITZWING and LUGNUT have made their way to Detroit and are hot on the tail of MEGATRON and the AllSpark. Will LUGNUT's dedication to the DECEPTICON cause bring MEGATRON out of the shadows? Starring OPTIMUS PRIME, BUMBLEBEE, BULKHEAD, PROWL, RATCHET, Sari, Sumdac, and using actual still frames from the series itself, the Transformers Animated series puts new TF action in your pocket.
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