Crime in the United States 2009: Uniform Crime Reports (UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES)
Crime in the United States contains findings that the FBI releases annually from its Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Because it is no longer printed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bernan Press continues to provide this practical information in convenient book form. In addition to crime counts and trends, the third edition includes:
· A new section on hate crimes with data by offense type, location, bias motivation, victim type, number of individual victims, number of offenders, and the race of offenders
·Data on crimes cleared
·Persons arrested (age, sex, and race)
·Law enforcement personnel (including the number of sworn officers killed or assaulted)
·The characteristics of homicides (including age, sex, and race of victims and offenders; victim-offender relationships; weapons used; and circumstances surrounding the homicides)
Legal and law enforcement professionals and researchers will find crime statistics for the nation as a whole-and for regions, states, counties, cities, towns, and college and university campuses on murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Statistics also cover the property crimes of burglary, arson, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft.